We are a professional and trade union-backed membership organisation for pharmacists in the managed service, working for the NHS across the UK. The GHP is over 100 years old and has helped lead, shape, and grow pharmacy into where it is today.
Our mission
The GHP represents more than 6,000 pharmacists in the NHS. Our purpose is to champion NHS and GP pharmacy teams, to campaign for professional development with terms and conditions in mind and to secure the best possible deals for our members.
We strive to protect and promote NHS pharmacists and give our members a voice now and in the future.
We campaign
We lobby to make change where change is needed most. Our job as the voice of NHS and GP pharmacy is to ensure that working pharmacists are represented at the highest levels.
Our council is a broad church of pharmacy experience. Having working pharmacists around the table coupled with the industrial and bargaining expertise of our Unite colleagues underpins our actions with authenticity.
We pride ourselves on delivering at a local level with Regional Members (RMs) acting on behalf of members in their area.
We champion
We have extensive reach across the profession which enables us to take your views to the highest decision-making levels. Driving pharmacy forward is part of our mission and it is vital that the workforce as a whole is given great consideration.
We connect
There are many events the Guild either runs or attends throughout the year. Our council meets every other month and subgroups PDIG and QATS have regular symposia.
We’re active on social media and engage with members directly through RMs and representatives.
You can learn more about our activities at our events that run throughout the year.
We’re inclusive
In the Guild, we recognise the unique worth of people from all backgrounds, identities and circumstance. As an inclusive organisation, we strive to celebrate all individuals.
We are committed to creating a sense of belonging, educating and developing an inclusive community, and realising the value of diversity in pharmacy.
We’re here for NHS and GP pharmacists
Whether it’s through our first-class advice, representation or sector-leading expertise, to how we’re representing pharmacists from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland the Guild is committed to representing its members now and in the future.
Together we have the chance to ensure pharmacy’s future is bright and coupled with the appropriate terms and conditions to match.